Section: New Software and Platforms


The BitBallot voting protocol is designed to avoid the concentration of data by third party. The protocol allows users to cast their ballot on their mobile device, and then share only restricted amounts of their data with other peers to compute the tally. Unlike other protocols, voters pull data from others instead of pushing their own votes.

Convinced by the need of new election mechanisms, to support emerging forms of more continuous democracy, we are developing BitBallot, to allow elections with distributed tallying that incorporate individual verification. As such, it provides anonymity of the data sources, non interruptible run-time, global access to results, and non-predictability of results through partial communication spying. Cryptography is not essential to protect the privacy of the voters or the secrecy of the ballots. On the basis of this protocol, a SaaS platform that allows to run public tests online is under development.

  • Contact: Stéphane Grumbach, Stéphane Frénot, Damien Reimert, Robert Riemann